Monday, November 1, 2010

Seeing the World through New Eyes

The Augmented Reality Event 2010: "Seeing" - Keynote by Jesse Schell from Ori Inbar on Vimeo.

            On the hills of a very popular TED speech during his keynote at Augmented Reality Event, Jesse Schell reveals his remarkable insight into the concept and reality of Augmented Reality.  Jesse Schell likens AR to the wearing of glasses. Augmenting the reality around us and helping the wearer to enhance what he sees.  He talks about the shadow of what's possible and the likelihood of what will be, in terms of augmented reality.

             Take note of Jesse's take on vision and what's possible.  I believe, as Jesse does, that AR will fundamentally change how we deal with the huge amounts of information we've amassed and the social networks that are being made digitally available to us.  In this blog I will  seek to provide information and perspective on how we can use AR to better engage students and leverage the vast amount of information available to us.


Cadmus, J. (2010). Augmented Reality Event 2010 to Feature Qualcomm as Lead Sponsor. Business Wire.


  1. Mequel this is an interesting concept....I can see how this concept can promote student engagement in the classroom.

  2. Theresa thanks for your feedback and comment.
